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We have added a great new tool to the Blackstone Management Vendor desk.

  • Notifications: vendors will get notifications when maintenance/repair requests are assigned to them in our system. This will allow all vendors working with Blackstone Management to track all outstanding work and RFP requests.
  • Scheduling: vendors now can set appointments for maintenance work at Blackstone Management properties, when the appointment is set with the Blackstone Management tool the tenant will get a reminder of the date and time of the working appointment and will be able to let the vendor know right away if they need to reschedule. This will help make sure all vendors can better manage time and allow them to interact with tenants through a controlled environment.
  • Employees: vendors can now add photos of employees to allow the tenants/owners to see a photo of the person that will be arriving at the property to perform the needed repair work.

For more info on the Blackstone Management vendor desk please login into the vendor’s desk.

We hope all the new features we have added will make working with Blackstone Management even better. If you have a suggestion for a new future please let us know.