Transparency APT


You have the right to review the books and records we keep for your property association and we’re happy to accommodate homeowner requests. Blackstone Management makes it easy with flexible appointments and quiet space just for you.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Information

Name listed below must match name of owner of record with address in community.
Name of the listed owner in the communtiy
Address in the community*
This is the address of the property within the community you are making this request for.

Community Information

The name of the community the records are being requested for

Schedule Your Record Inspection

Please give a description of the records you would like to see as it relates to this community i.e. financial records, board meeting minutes, etc. Note: Due to the sensitive nature of contracts and attorney reports they are not offered for review to homeowners. Only the Board of Directors has access to vendor agreements or attorney reports.
This is the date you wish to visit the office for the inspection of records. Note: Records are only available for inspection Monday thu Thursday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Inspection Time*
This is the time you wish to visit the office on the date pick for the inspection of the records. Note: Times are available from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm

Transparency Policy

Please use your mouse or your finger to provide your signature.
Transparency Policy*